Northern California Championship
Division: Northern California Championship
Ranking List

RankTeamTeam NameQPRPHighestMatches
13509 PHOENXTRIX10192865
24253 Legonauts10147645
33053 Doves of Justice10120645
4150 Genesis8171695
54351 Owl Robotics8148715
64085 Bok Choy Boys8130625
74238 Robo Chicken Gator Flys of Papayaland8120865
84473 Team Bluescreens894505
93013 The Nerd Herd6167545
104422 Red HoloRAMS6142555
112848 Techno Guard6141605
12524 Tsvetkov e Droozia6124635
134423 Error 4186117705
14548 Geek Squad4173705
153791 Jeff Tech Club4143705
164186 Argonauts4127495
174432 Solista Lite4114635
183175 Galt Warriors4110515
194394 EndofLines4100545
203873 ScotBots464355
214475 Purple Reign2168595
224307 Team H.A.L.2157525
23455 Pew Pew Lazer Beams2104425
242891 WarriorBorgs281335
254306 Team Bender279235
263470 The Patriots278715
274648 The Minutemen0102305
28669 Milpitas Xtreme Robotics087355

QP (Total Qualification Points) - 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) - Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance's score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) - The highest match score awared to the team.

FTC Scoring Software © 2010-2011 FIRST®
Ranking List generated at 01/10/11 01:48:38 PM