Roseville Qualifier
Team Rankings

RankTeam #Team NameQPRPHighestMatches
16148 Orange Pi Robotics103951625
24943 RoboFusion83051605
412009 Terminal Ferocity81691625
56949 Einstein Eagles63461305
63470 The Patriots62561255
7548 Geek Squad62501105
84432 Solista42721105
98367Acme Robotics42701205
1010434Negative Kelvin42171055
1111863 Eaglebots4200905
1411363 Silent Bot Deadly2127605

QP (Total Qualification Points) - 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) - Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance's score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) - The highest match score awarded to the team.

FTC Scoring Software © 2016-2017 FIRST®
Team Rankings generated at 01/23/17 03:34:06 PM