Lincoln Qualifier
Division: Lincoln Qualifier
Ranking List

RankTeamTeam NameQPRPHighestMatches
14998 Q8121875
24927 The Wright Stuff7182575
3523 SMG7130865
43013 Nerd Herd6151655
53149 Entropy6109605
65206 The Knights of Ni5179695
74306 Team Bender584535
93470 Patriots4180645
104950 CHS Robotics483695
114926 Tech Titans290675
12455 Pew Pew Lazer Beams233275

QP (Total Qualification Points) - 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) - Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance's score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) - The highest match score awared to the team.

FTC Scoring Software © 2011-2012 FIRST®
Ranking List generated at 01/29/12 03:51:18 PM