FIRST Tech Challenge in Northern California is sponsored by Qualcomm

Join the NorCal FTC Google Group to receive email updates!

FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) is a robotics competition for students in 7th through 12th grades, working in teams of up to 15 members. Playing At Learning manages the FIRST Tech Challenge program for Northern California.

2023-2024 FIRST IN SHOW FTC Regional Championship – 02/24 – 02/25

Independence High School at 617 N. Jackson Ave, San Jose 95133

Volunteer HERE!

Volunteers can view the pre-champs meeting slides HERE.

If your team is already qualified for champs, please fill out THIS Jotform. Teams are required to supply TWO adult volunteers for Champs.



Inspections begin at 5pm
Judging 6-9pm

Teams, please view your inspection and judging times HERE.


Campus map HERE.


Pits Open 7:30 AM
Final Inspections/Team Interviews 7:45 – 9 AM
Driver’s Meeting/Inspection Closes 9:00 – 9:15 AM
Opening Ceremony 9:15 – 9:30 AM
Qualification Matches 10AM – 12:15 PM
Lunch 12:15 – 12:45 PM
Qualification Matches 12:45 – 2:30 PM
Alliance Selection 2:45 PM
Elimination Rounds 3:00 – 5:35 PM
Closing Ceremony 6 PM

Silicon Division Stream:
Gold Division Stream:

2023-24 CENTERSTAGE Presented by RTX Kick-off!!

September 9th, 2023

Newark Memorial High School, Newark

Items of Interest

If your team has qualified to participate in the NorCal FTC Regional Championship, please click HERE to complete the team registration. To pay for your team’s registration fee, search for your team status page HERE.

Although we do not have a 100% confirmed site for the event, we are anticipating the event will be at Newark Memorial HS 39375 Cedar Blvd, Newark, CA 94560 on February 22nd-23rd. If you know that you will be volunteering with us sign up HERE!

Teams will receive their inspection and judging schedule upon arrival on Feb 22. Pits will open at 3:30pm for teams; please plan to arrive then. Inspections will begin at 4pm and judging sessions will begin at 5pm.

The Play Space 2215 Oakland Rd, Suite B, San Jose, CA 95131
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