Congratulations to all 41 teams that participated in the 2014 Northern California FIRST Tech Challenge Championship at Logan High School.



Award Team # Team

Inspire Award – 1st

6002 Basilisks, Terra Nova HS, Pacifica

They slithered through a sophisticated design preprocess, including multiple stages of analyses, to end up with innovative ball collection shooting mechanisms on a well-designed robot, with multiple fail-safes, recovery procedures, and feedback signals. This team blurs the line between connect and motivate by learning from the people they mentor, and educating the experts they seek out for advice. This team “lisks” everything on their journey in detail.

The Inspire Award is presented to team 6002, Basilisks from Terra Nova HS in Pacifica, CA


2nd    5151 – Infinity 5151- Mission San Jose HS, Fremont
3rd   7591 – Voltage of Imagination – Mission San Jose HS, Fremont
Think Award 5326 The Enterprisers, Virginia City, Reno, NV  

All of the teams stepped up a notch to deliver their engineering notebooks. This team’s was very colorful.
They have really gone to the edge of the galaxy of STARring notebooks… and beyond!!!!

The 1st place Think Award is presented to team 5326, The Enterprisers from Virginia City and Reno, Nevada


2nd   6002 – Basilisks – Terra Nova HS, Pacifica 
3rd  6148 – OrangePiRoBEARics – Summerville HS, Tuolomne 
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award 524 Boss Bots, Campolindo HS, Moraga  

This team has paired advanced sensors with a unique ball handler system that scores consistently. Preventing robot damage during game play is a priority – with their interlocks in place, the driver can focus on strategy.

Who’s the boss is never in question with this team on the field.
The 1st place Innovate Award goes to team 524, Boss Bots from Campolindo HS in Moraga, CA


2nd    6002 – Basilisks –  Terra Nova HS, Pacifica
3rd   7591 – Voltage of Imagination –  Mission San Jose HS, Fremont
PTC Design Award 5151 Infinity 5151, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont  

Over and over, the judges have watched
Ball sweeps and lifts on multiple bots
Raise balls from the floor
Just to fall from the top

But one team found a way
To sweep, lift and drop.

They dragged around tubes, and filled them to the brim
With a clean, strong robot with customized trim
Their catch never failed
Their slides never caught.
Their design process guided
The success that they sought

This bot was the cleanest, most effective around,
To beyond, goes Infinity!! For them, there’s no bound.

The PTC Design Award goes to team 5151, Infinity 5151 from Mission San Jose HS in Fremont, CA


2nd   6002 – Basilisks –  Terra Nova HS, Pacifica
3rd   524 – Boss Bots – Campolindo HS, Moraga
Connect Award 6148 OrangePiRoBEARics, Summerville HS, Tuolomne

Community awareness and excellent communication skills helped this team rise to the top
It bears mentioning that their efforts included people of all ages and abilities
For bringing STEM to their great logging community….

The 1st place Connect Award is presented to team 6148, OrangePiRoBEARics from Summerville HS in Tuolomne, CA


2nd   7303 – Robo Avatars – Mission San Jose HS, Fremont
3rd   4963 – NOVA – Folsom
Motivate Award 9014 Fireworks, Lynbrook HS, San Jose


This team’s journey grew from building robots to inspiring girls to seek STEM education. Even when they socialized, they had engineering on their minds. Their fiery spirit made them the clear winner of this award.

The 1st place Motivate Award goes to team 9014, Fireworks from Lynbrook HS in San Jose, CA

2nd   7593 – TigerBots –  Notre Dame HS, Belmont
3rd   3053 – Knights Robotics – Menlo School, Atherton
Control Award 5157 The Metal That Moves TM, Belmont, Redwood Shores and San Carlos


This team is definitely NOT out of control.  
Their bifocal IR vision nails their target.  They reliably score with their short loop control design.  
They have the mettle to MOVE metal.
The 1st Place Control Award is presented to team 5157, The Metal that Moves from Belmont, Redwood Shores and San Carlos, CA


 2nd   7591 – Voltage of Imagination –  Mission San Jose HS, Fremont
 3rd    5220 – Robo Knights – Fremont
Judges’ Award 
The Judges’ FireStarters Award
8367 Acme Robotics, Penn Valley

With strategy and enthusiasm, this sparky team might have started small, but are fanning the flames of STEM in their “sleepy” little valley. They are true California gold country pioneers.
The Judges “FireStarters” Award goes to team 8367, ACME Robotics from Penn Valley, CA

Promote Award


Basilisks, Terra Nova HS, Pacifica


Compass Award

4950 Mr. Charles Williams, Tino 49ers, Cupertino HS, Cupertino  

NorCal Dean’s List Finalists



Austin Wong, The Knights of Ni, Stanford Online HS, Stanford

Serena Grown-Haeberli, TigerBots, Notre Dame HS, Belmont


Winning Alliance – Tule Elk
The Knights of Ni
The Enterprisers
Finalist Alliance – California Condor


Error 7391
The Metal that Moves TM
Acme Robotics




Eight Teams have earned a spot at the FTC West Super-Regional Championship in March in Oakland.  

Hope to see you there!

1. Qualifier Host Team
2. Inspire Award Winner
6002, Basilisks, Terra Nova HS, Pacifica, CA
3. Winning Alliance Captain
6002, Basilisks, Terra Nova HS, Pacifica, CA
4. Inspire Award 2nd place
5151, Infinity 5151, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA
5. Winning Alliance, 1st team selected
5206, The Knights of Ni, Stanford Online HS, Stanford, CA
6. Inspire Award 3rd place
7591, Voltage of Imagination, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA
7. Winning Alliance, 2nd team selected
5326, The Enterprisers, Virginia City & Reno, NV
8. Think Award Winner
5326, The Enterprisers, Virginia City & Reno, NV
9. Finalist Alliance Captain
7391, Error 7391 Not Found, Cupertino, CA
10. Connect Award Winner
6148, OrangePiRoBEARics, Summerville HS, Tuolomne, CA
11. Finalist Alliance, 1st team selected
5157, The Metal That Moves TM, Belmont, Redwood Shores and Belmont, CA
12. Rockwell Collins Innovate Award Winner
on deck
524, Boss Bots, Campolindo HS, Moraga
13. Finalist Alliance, 2nd team selected
on deck
8367, Acme Robotics, Penn Valley
14. PTC Design Award Winner
5151, Infinity 5151, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA
15. Motivate Award Winner
on deck
9014, Fireworks, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA
16. Control Award Winner
5157, The Metal That Moves TM, Belmont, Redwood Shores and Belmont, CA




Below are links to additional details for the tournament  – coming soon:

  • Team Rankings
  • Match Results
  • Detailed Match Results
  • Elimination Ladder
  • Division Team Lists