5 Items today!

  • 5 Days to Kickoff!
  • Beacon Reprogramming
  • LEGO Disassembly Party – 9/11
  • Dent:Space Demonstrations – 9/21 & 9/22
  • Coming Soon: Judging Feedback Workshop

5 Days to Kickoff

The list of workshops is now updated and will be available for registration today at 6pm!

Got to:


to RSVP for your your team to attend the kickoff and to attend workshops.  please limit your workshop registrations to allow for as many teams as possible to participate.

Beacon Reprogramming

We will have a beacon re-programmer available for use at the Kickoff! You will need to remove the circuit board from your existing beacons to allow them to be reprogrammed.

LEGO Disassembly Party – Sat 9/11

We will be holding a volunteer “party” to disassemble old FIRST LEGO League field setups to prepare them for bulk sale. Please visit the RSVP form (http://www.playingatlearning.org/events/lego-party/) to signup to help!

Dent:Space  FIRST Tech Challenge Demos

We will be demoing FIRST Tech Challenge as part of the Dent:Space Conference.  We are looking for a handful of teams with functional robots that are willing to help out Sept 21st and 22nd 9am to 6pm.  If you are willing to help during part of that time, please send an email to ftc@playingatlearning.org

Coming Soon: Judging Feedback Workshop

We are piloting a new type of opportunity for teams to get feedback about their judging experiences. This will be open to returning teams with a preference for teams that have not been successful in prior year’s qualifying tournaments. We will share more details soon.
