2018/2019 Northern California FIRST Tech Challenge Championship Tournament

This page was last updated 3/2 9:55am

Directions to Independence High School

Independence High School parking lot is located at:
629 N Jackson Ave, San Jose, CA 95133
(Do NOT come in from 1776 Educational Park Dr  or other GPS/Google directions for high school – takes you to the wrong side of campus.)

Independence High School
617 N Jackson Ave
, San Jose, CA 95133

Google Map

Campus Map & Parking

UPDATED 3/2:  Marked Up Campus Map

Full Campus Map (not edited)

What to Bring (or NOT)

  • Your robot  – only one …
  • Your smile, patience and Gracious Professionalism!
  • Fully charged batteries and charger
  • Your Engineering Notebook (PLEASE make sure it has team name & number on the front)
  • Make sure you are familiar with the latest Game/FTC Forum updates!
  • Spare parts
  • Hand Tools- NOTE no power tools or anything that generates shavings, odors or similar are allowed inside
  • SAFETY GLASSES – including for any visitors that your team will have (ie parents!)
  • Laptop computer and power supply
  • Physical copy of your FIRST Team Roster and any Signed liability waivers for each team member, mentor, or coach- yes, I know that you turned these in to each qualifier already.   We need “fresh” ones
  • A power strip and extension cord for use in the pits
  • Figure out your team’s food plan – Remember No food is allowed in either Gym.  On Sunday, we will have a Commons area over lunch time to use in case of rain.

What to Expect

SATURDAY:    We will start to set up the event starting ~2:30pm-4:00pm   – DO NOT SHOW UP UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY SIGNED UP TO HELP WITH EVENT LOADIN/SETUP.

Team check-in will be at 4:15pm for the small number of teams that have 4:30pm Judging Interviews or Inspection time.  Team check-in will be at 4:30pm for teams with 5:00pm Judging Interviews or Inspection time.   Otherwise teams may check-in at 5pm.   Team Check-in Must be done by an adult listed on the FIRST Team Roster and must have a copy of the FIRST Team roster to turn in.

Once the team checks in, the team may bring their robot and gear to the pits.  Starting at ~4:30pm, we will start robot inspections and judging using the scheduled times.  It’s VERY important that we get as many teams as possible to inspect/judge on Saturday as possible!  Sunday matches will take a very full day.


SUNDAY:  The early morning will be spent:

  • Team pits open at 7:30am.
  • Final Team checkin for any team not checking in on Saturday
  • robot inspection –  for those that did not pass or complete this on Saturday – deadline is 9am
  • judging interviews  –  for those that did not get scheduled for Saturday – deadline is 9am

All teams are expected to be on site and signed in no later than 8am on Sunday!


There will be a practice field (looking for 2). These are shared fields.  Make sure everyone has equal opportunity to practice!

In the pits, each team will have a 6 foot table with 2 chairs for their use during the tournament.

We will have a brief opening ceremony at ~9:15am, followed immediately by the beginning of the qualification rounds.  The qualifying rounds will finish in the early afternoon, after a short lunch break at 12:15pm. Our goal is to finish all qualifying rounds no later than 2:00pm  – we need your help to make this happen!

Once qualifying matches are complete, we will immediately hold alliance selection.  Each division will have 4 Alliance Captains that will each select 2 partners.    Alliance Selection will be followed by a very short break, and then the elimination rounds within each division, followed by the event finals.

It would be good to plan for alliance selection. If you are not familiar with the alliance selection process, make sure to read the Game Manual

We will teams to clear out of the pit area immediately after alliance selection.  The 8 alliances (and their partners) that are in the semifinals will move over to a charging table physically on the competition floor itself.  We want to be able to completely clear out and close the pits before the final rounds.

The end of the elimination rounds will be followed by the presentation of awards, and the closing ceremony.   We would really like to be all done by 5:30pm but we need your help to do that.


Food and drink are NOT  allowed in either GYM at all

Closed water bottles are permitted but no other drinks.  Please help us with this with your teams!  We want to be able to use this venue again and we must follow their rules.

We will have a limited concession stand.  Drinks and snacks will be available only.  No lunch options.  Teams need to plan ahead – there are many food options in the area of the venue.

NOTE:  We have a relatively small commons room from 11am to 1pm on Sunday that can be used for lunch on Sunday in case of rain.  There are also solar panels over much of the parking lot for tailgating.

This section will be update as we get closer with a forecast – keep your fingers crossed for no rain and no wind


Preliminary Tournament Schedule – Sunday

7:30 AM PITS Open – Team Check-In Opens
7:30 AM-9:00 AM Judging & Inspection
9:00 AM Inspection & Judging Interviews Closed
9:15 AM Opening Ceremony
9:45 AM Qualification Matches Start
12:15 AM Lunch Break
12:45 PM Qualification Matches Continue
1:45 PM Qualification Matches Completed
2:00 PM Alliance Selection
2:30 PM Elimination (Semi-Finals / Final) Rounds Start
5:30 PM Awards Ceremony