Below is the advancement order for each tournament as of 03/18/21.

The table represents the advancement order criteria as listed in section 6.2 of the FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 – Remote Events.  Data is as reported from the Scoring System Software.  Presence of your team in the list below is NOT an indication of your team’s status in terms of advancement to the NorCal Regional Championship, merely an indication of your team’s position in the advancement order for an individual qualifying tournament.

For the 2020 season, there are many uncertainties and we have not stabilized on a size for our regional championship tournament yet.  Until we do, we will not know what percentage of teams from each qualifying tournament will advance.  Advancement counts will be determined by applying a uniform percentage to each tournament, based on the number of teams that registered/competed at each qualifying tournament.  Any fractions will be truncated.

Any regional championship slots not filled by the initial allocations will be filled via a tournament lottery.

We believe we will host a regional championship with at least 30-36 teams, but the final size will depend on the number of teams that register/compete this year.  Typically, we strive to host approximately 30-35% of our teams at our regional championship.

We have settled on a size of 36 teams for our regional championship.  This will advance 31% (36/116) of the competing teams to participate in the regional championship. To date, 116 teams have registered to participate in NorCal FTC Qualifying Tournaments, consuming a total of 195 competition spots.  Based on this, the advancement rate per tournament is 18.5% (36/195).

Teams marked in bold in the table below will likely be advancing to the NorCal FTC Regional Championship (barring any human error in mapping the teams into this listing!).  Teams marked with a strike through advanced a at prior tournament and are skipped in the final advancement analysis.

We will hold a lottery of the tournaments, with the next eligible team, based on the advancement order, from the tournaments drawn advancing to the NorCal FTC Regional Championship. (i.e. each tournament will get one token in the lottery.  We will draw an ordered list of tournaments from the lottery pool and work from start to finish, filling the NorCal FTC Championship with the next eligible team from each tournament in turn).

In all cases, if a team declines to attend the NorCal Regional Championship, the next team down the list for that tournament will receive an invitation in place of the declining team.  If all teams from a tournament decline (i.e. there are no more unadvanced teams from the event), we will move down the list of lottery draws offering the space to the next tournament.

The lottery draw for the 2020-2021 Ultimate Goal season resulted in the following draw order:

  1. Fremont #1 (FMT1)
  2. Fremont #2 (FMT2)
  3. Daly City (DALY)
  4. San Jose #1 (SJ1)
  5. Granite Bay (GB)
  6. Piedmont (PIE)
  7. Cupertino (CUP)
  8. San Mateo (SANM)
  9. Sacramento (SAC)
  10. Santa Clara (SC)
  11. Google (GOOG)
  12. Fremont #4 (FMT4)
# teams181020212012161423242416
# advancing313 + 1 (#3)3 + 1 (#1)3 + 1 (#2)2224442
DescriptAdv Order
Inspire, 1st1145256165837511039143411286913180182195773113111447316944
next rank2126351335697847303177591825483817303168989614577314525
Inspire, 2nd361659656838114300132171466383817303434511689961418373
next rank4837513180840413356577316898183111334516197112011425913380
Inspire, 3rd5434584047390840411689836788728367146631834016594
next rank611039144731334518254165351421414300112011421418307185045206
Think, 1st711039965683811430011475524162361120183677641577318373
next rank8978417390145044345112011431817099113111450473901872618490
Connect, 1st9132231447384047854132171431814300730343459614961413380
next rank101825418311142591416218346185641827218504165351450488727316
Innovate, 1st1197841335676417390149691168983671813416236116891851314078
next rank121334596141709913380115751872613035764111689183401876718143
Control, 1st131263543459784730384041421483817641145041120188725206
Motivate, 1st141825496141827213380577316898132181131116656146631834016306
Design, 1st158375183071425913356115751466315068183401168911475185047316
next rank161431818564128691694416197187861834614318154534475
Think, 2nd17616513345887216944130509657160265773113111380414525
next rank1814162146631709918564183071850418272187671757111467
Connect, 2nd1913180965783671434113050183071630617571183071452916944
next rank20785418513167781872969491334511575147841823311466